
Why I choose Young Living as a lifestyle?

  Why I choose Young Living as a lifestyle? After trying Peppermint EO for my kids health and wellbeing, I never turned back ❀️ it took me almost 2 years to finally buy myself the Premium Starter Kit. To those who know me well, I am usually not someone who can be easily impressed by something 🀣 that’s why la why it took me that long. So happy to see some of my family and circle of friends are using them too. Keep on spreading the love ❀️ Interested to be a member of Young Living? Register here !

My First Young Living Essential Oil

Peppermint was my first YLEO and my mum was the one who introduced it to me. At first saya pun tdk brp minat ba ni brg, mmg prnh dgr la itu brand Young Living. Dia beli dr kwn dia tu EO. My 3rd baby mcm baru 3-4 bln la kali tu time, mcm slalu ba dia flu n batuk. So my mum bilang, β€˜Nah Fie, ko kc try ni Peppermint EO sm si Vava. Sapu d baju dia atau d bedsheet.’ Jd sa kasi dilute la tu 1 drop EO sm VCO, pastu sa sapu d bju sa, bedsheet kami n bju dia. Time tu x sa berani sapu direct sbb masi sceptical psl ni konsep EO 🀣 so dr sn sa tgk mmg krg dia pnya batuk n mcm hidung dia pn x brp sumbat ni. Pastu sa pn suka itu bau Peppermint ni, x tau napa. Another first experience adalah dari tkng urut time berpantang. Dia diffuse itu YLEO during my urut session at home. Tp sa xda pla tnya apa EO dia pakai sbb blm jg mau tahu time tu. Wahduh pnya best sa rasa. Relaxing betullllll πŸ₯°πŸ₯° suda la ada sauna lg, bertungku lg pastu ada bau2 aromatherapy lg gitu. Nah mmg paling best la ba sa rs tiap kali...

Travelling With Kids (Part 2)

Hi it's me again. So hard to keep track on my blog. To post anything consistently, maybe I need to do it weekly this time. Every Friday perhaps? Working, studying and mommy duties all in one is no joke but I made it. Latest updates on my studies is currently waiting for viva. Submitted my thesis on 30 April 2019. On another note, I really hope my paper will also be accepted by the time I need to submit my hardcover thesis though. May everything will happen according to God's plan. Amen! Ok back to the topic. Day 1: IKEA Tebrau I REALLY NEED TO GO BACK HERE AGAIN SOME DAY. From the outside 4 of us took Grab from the airport to Ikea Tebrau while Sumi and my mother in law (MIL) followed my brother in law (BIL). From the inside I registered for the IKEA  family card before going here but actually you can also do it there then get the temporary card. After that, I registered Sumi at  smales , Zio wanted too but sorry my dear minimum age was 4. Then we went to...

Happy Teacher's Day

Today is Teacher's Day. I would like to wish Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers especially my English and Music teachers. Why? Because as far as I can remember, they treated me like their own children and friend. They taught me with passion and never looked down on me. They let me me use my own creativity in doing my home work. That is why I love English and Music until now.  Thank you Teacher Brenda, Teacher Therese, Cikgu Lucy, Cikgu Diana and also my organ teacher in Technics, Teacher Simon. I am forever grateful to all of you. To my other teachers too thank you very much for shaping me to become the person I am today. Sorry I could not remember all of your names. I also remember I have few teachers that I dislike, especially very garang teachers. The ones who I think bullying, slapping, shouting at students is normal for them. I once thought of wanting to transfer to other schools because of this one particular teacher during Form 3. 

Travelling with kids

Wow my last post was in 2016. Ok recently my family and I went for a family trip in Johor Bahru and Singapore. Would love to share here how did we managed to do it all with 3 kids (5 y.o, 3 y.o and 7 months baby). My 3 y.o son sleepily sitting in the trolley Day 1: Ikea Tebrau Day 2: Universal Studios Singapore Day 3: Hello Kitty Town and Thomas Town Day 4: Johor Premium Outlet (to be continued)

My Baby Story

Ok Moms! What's your first baby story?! Just copy and paste! Age I Got Pregnant πŸ‘£: 25 Age I Gave Birth πŸ‘Ά: 26 Due Date πŸ“†:  02.Oct.2014 Day I Gave Birth πŸŽ‚: 29.Sept.2014 Time Born ⏰: 5.20am Natural or C section πŸ₯: Natural Weight 🎊: 3.15 kg Our pride and joy : IT'S A GIRL 😘 SOFIA SUMINUNDU 😍 My 2nd baby Age I Got Pregnant πŸ‘£: 27 Age I Gave Birth πŸ‘Ά: 27 Due Date πŸ“†:  30.07.2016 Day I Gave Birth πŸŽ‚: 25.07.2016 Time Born ⏰: 7.21am Natural or C section πŸ₯: Natural Weight 🎊: 3.38kg Our pride and joy : IT'S A BOY 😘 DENZEL ZIO