Short trip to Singapore

Hello fellow bloggers, readers & friends~ How was your 'long' holiday? I am referring to the 3 days long weekend holiday. Owh. Before that, Happy Deepavali to all of you :) Especially Kakak Flora, Pulen & Baby Nashanti~ Miss you guys la!

 BTW, notice the picture below?

Actually that picture was taken yesterday afternoon at Changi International Airport in Singapore waiting for departure back to Kota Kinabalu. Wait...what? Singapore? YES! I went to Singapore for a 3 days trip with mum & dad.


I will blog more about it on my next post. Ngehehe~


Kris and Nadia said…
Wahhhh... bestnya.. patutla sya rindu ko :D hehehe.. ba post la ko p mana di singapore? ada pg universal studio?? :)
Donna said…
Ish.. sya ingat post panjang2! kasi trick org lagi..
SteffianaJ said…
nad: hee. terus ko rindu sa kan sbb sa bkn di Malaysia. haha. xda kmi p uni. studio. x ckup bah tu 3 hari mau round2. mau p lg naaaaaaaanti.

donna: jgn la marah. ngehehehe. kena trick si kwn :) btw.. ngam2 walden's sis lg jd chief stewardess during our flite to singapore.. wahahaha
Donna said…
hahaha! tat time she was the chief jg masa i went to manila.. i tapukk..
SteffianaJ said…
akaka. kmu kenal lg each other kan. that was my 1st time seeing her. x prnh jmpa b4 dis. hohoho.
Donna said…
Haiz... ni yg susah ni kalo kakak bf ko cantik mcm supermodel........... T.T
SteffianaJ said…
yup. stewardess kan. huhu. unduk ngadau lg tu kan dia. heard from my mum (our mums knal each other too) yg she prnh nmpk spirit of huminodun lg. astaga~

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