Midnight Sun

Hiya there! How was your Sunday so far? I took a nap just now and when I woke up, my mind suddenly tells me to Google for Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 countdown timer! So, there you go, a countdown timer for the no. 1 novel turned movie ever. (You can see it at the top left column of my blog).

I was reading those comments at the website where I found this widget when I saw one comment about Midnight Sun. I heard about it before and knew that Midnight Sun is Twilight from Edward's point of view but did not pay any attention to it.

Midnight Sun is actually a Twilight story too but from Edward's perspective.

"As some of you may have heard, my partial draft of Midnight Sun was illegally posted on the Internet and has since been virally distributed without my knowledge or permission or the knowledge or permission of my publisher." - Stephenie Meyer

However, she agreed to just let it be and now you can read Chapter 1 here and also her partial draft here.

Thank you Stephenie Meyer. I love your work and your mother is sure one lucky mother as she is the first person who reads your Midnight Sun and told you to go for it! :D

You can know more about Midnight Sun at Stephenie Meyer's website here.

P/S: I also found a few Twihard fans' comments stating that it will DEFINITELY be 'no Twilight, no life' for them after this final movie for the Twilight Saga. LOL 

Emo betul kan. Hehehe. Relax la bah.


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