I am Pregnant! (3rd Trimester)

Third Trimester (7-9 months)

28 weeks
9 July - Appointment at Klinik Kesihatan Penampang. Jumpa doktor. Current weight: 74.3 kg. Glucose showed normal result. Syukur! I was afraid that my glucose melebihi tahap normal sebab kalau lebih, nah tiap 2 minggu la kena monitor glucose ko. Doc said my placenta macam rendah (low lying placenta) but she thinks it will shift to a higher position when my uterus stretches. Estimated fetal weight: 1.1 kg. Dr. Sutha also told me the same thing about my placenta and she also said not to worry la.

No visible strectch marks yet. Kaki pun tidak bengkak. But my right wrist, asal awal pagi mesti sakit. Since early pregnancy begitu ni. I think masuk 2nd trimester, dia makin sakit. Masuk 3rd trimester, tambah sakit. Mahu p sinsang tapi dorg bilang sinsang pun x mau urut tu if pregnant. So, x la sa p. Sendiri ja urut letak minyak angin. Huhu. Hopefully after beranak dia hilang la.

Everyday sa start suda pakai pantyliner sebab ada mucus discharge. As long as it's white/clear fluid and odourless, it's considered as normal.

I am still driving to work.

Started to count fetal movements. Monitor from 9 am for how long it takes for baby to complete 10 movements (kicks, flutters, swishes or rolls). My baby is a very active baby indeed. Bah bapa mama atlit kan. Tidak hairan la dia pun terikut kami dua.

I am growing inside you mummy!
29-30 weeks
22 July - Appointment at Klinik Kesihatan Penampang. Jumpa doktor. Current weight: 75.9 kg. Kepala baby di bawah. Estimated fetal weight: 1.7 kg. Placenta kena check balik and yes the doctor was right. Tidak sudah terlampau rendah kedudukan dia. It shifted to higher position due to my uterus stretching. Yippie! Thank you Jesus! Saya mau beranak normal bah. Susah mau beranak normal if you have low lying placenta, terpaksa operate tu. Sebab tu pathway kena blok kan, susah la baby mau limpas ada placenta di sana poinsokot (melekat).

Start sudah susah mau tidur malam. Sometimes terbangun 3-4 kali bah mau p tandas. Kepala baby betul2 d bawah sudah kan menekan bladder.

31-32 weeks

5 August - Appointment at Klinik Kesihatan Penampang. Jumpa nurse. Current weight: 76.8 kg. Blood pressure and urine test all normal.

6 August - Meeting at HQ. During lunch ate sandwich, 3 biji kuih raya, 4 biji buah rambutan padahal suda makan nasi + lauk. OMG tolong la Steffiana.

This week sa tidak drive sudah. Darryl hantar. Kecuali terpaksa baru drive sendiri (attend meeting, clinic review and etc). Tidak selesa bah mau drive. Perut pandai mengeras kan.

7 August - Appointment at Rafflesia Medical Centre. Current weight 77.4 kg. Dr. Sutha said I've almost reached maximum quota for weight gained during pregnancy which is 12 kg. Oops! Susah mau kasi turun balik if more than that. So, mesti mau control makan la ni. Jangan terlampau makan manis and carbs. Balik2 makan kek ja sa ni. Bkn kek alang2 lg, Secret Recipe ba. Oreo Cheese Cake, Chocolate Indulgence, Cheeze Choc. Yummyyyyy!

Dr. Sutha said baby's face maybe ikut daddy. Muka Korea la ni. LOL
Do I look pregnant enough? :D Baru besar kan my saiz perut.
33 weeks
19 August - Appointment at Klinik Kesihatan Penampang. Jumpa nurse. Current weight: 78.0 kg. Adoi naik lagi berat.

35 weeks

Tummy is getting bigger
Start suda muncul stretch marks. Sa pakai Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) ja untuk sapu stretch marks to reduce the itchiness.

36 weeks
Starting to have Braxton Hicks Contractions. Berat baby 2.9 kg. Jeng3. Syukur kaki tidak bengkak.

3 Sept - Appointment at Klinik Kesihatan Penampang. Jumpa doktor. Current weight: 80.5 kg. Everything normal. Doc suru datang klinik on 1 October if belum lagi beranak.

5 Sept - Appointment at Rafflesia Medical Centre. Current weight: 79.4 kg. Aik? Turun pula berat badan. Ini sebab belum breakfast.

Hello! I am now 2.9 kg!

9 Sept - Klinik Kesihatan Penampang. Nurse. Current weight: 79.5 kg. Everything is normal.

Still working my ass off at work.

37 weeks
Berabis mau kasi siap kerja di ofis. Double-checked job handover list.

38 weeks

17 September - Appointment at Klinik Kesihatan Penampang. Jumpa nurse. Current weight: 79.5 kg. Kaki tidak bengkak. Nurse pun hairan. Bagus oh kaki ko tidak bengkak dia bilang.

20 September - Rafflesia Medical Centre. Baby's weight 3.1 kg. Dr. Sutha praised me for maintaining my weight. LOL. Baby's position inside tummy is good. Head size is just nice and she's confident that I am capable enough to handle that size during labour.

Can't wait to meet my mummy and daddy
Saya pun tidak percaya perut gini ada baby 3.1 kg di dalam
At work - Gave my job handover lists to my superiors and lab staff. Sempat lagi bos go through the list with me. Takut dia terlepas perkara yang penting untuk diselesaikan secepat mungkin.

39 weeks
24 September - Appointment at Klinik Kesihatan Penampang. Jumpa nurse. Current weight: 80 kg. Nurse reminded me to go to hospital immediately if there are any labour signs (blood show, strong/regular contractions or water breaks).

Start ambil cuti sudah until 30 Oktober dengan alasan mau relax di rumah konon. Relax apa. Last Friday (19 September), saya sengaja ambil cuti la sebab the day before ada 2 kali sa contractions yang saya rasa mcm lebih kuat daripada yang biasa time di office. Nah bila di rumah, taik kucing la sa relax. Di sana la juga sa membersihkan bilik saya dan menyisih/ menyusun barang-barang ke dalam kotak. 5S bah. Siap berlabel lagi tu kotak tu. Meh. They say it's an early sign of labour (nesting instinct). Hormon ibu mengandung ler tew.

So what I did today is, saya membersihkan stor bilik di rumah. Gerigitan betul sa nampak. I sorted everything and put everything inside big plastic bags according to their category. Macam2 la ada, beg la, baju la, souvenirs la and miscellaneous stuff. Suda masuk plastic, sa susun cantik2 itu plastik. Then cover dia pakai kain supaya tidak berhabuk. Itu laci pun, odoi dogo. Sa susun balik barang di dalam. Malas sa tngk bercampur aduk. Bida btul. Nasib bkn barang sa di dalam tu laci. If x, suda sa p letak divider. Alaaa mcm yg sa buat di ofis tu. Like this one ba.

Then, baru sa jalan p ruma parents. Online di sana lor. Relax2. Main sama Whiskey, Silver, Wira and Moki. Pusing2 ruma jalan2 kejap exercise. Life is such a bliss!

25 September - Awal pagi lagi sudah jalan p ruma parents. Breakfast di sana lor. Then online sampai malam. Huahuahua. Mcm zaman remaja pula, online ja kerja. Sakit la buhus sbb duduk ja kan. Time pregnant lagi ni, susah betul mau atur posisi duduk. Mesti mau ada byk cushion la, tmpt sandar pun mau cushion la. If x, sakit tu punggung pandai cramp.

26 September - Same like yesterday, awal pagi lagi p ruma parents, but beza dia ada dorg mummy kasi tinggal kain di washing machine minta tolong sa kasi jemur. Mentang2 la kan anak perempuan ko ada d ruma kan mummy. Hahahaha. Asked mummy to buy coconut pudding from Salut for me. Mum sampai ja rumah, nah terus sa makan bah dgn lahapnya. Yummy!

Then the interesting part happened......jeng3

Ada 2 times bah contractions yang sangat kuat dan tidak selesa. It lasted for around 30-60 seconds. Mcm 1 hour gap dia attack. Around 4pm and 5pm kali tu. Masih juga boleh tahan sakit dia. Tidak la sampai meraung kesakitan macam rasa mau mati tu ok. I thought oh maybe sa terlampau duduk ni 1 hari dpn laptop dari kelmarin. So, I decided to walk around the house. Turun naik bukit itu jalan naik rumah. Slowly la sa turun and naik. Time turun tu kan, ada rasa contractions, tapi sa buat dek ja. Tarik hembus nafas ja slowly to tahan sakit. Time naik tu pun slowly juga. Punya la main opusakan (breathless bah/ sesak nafas). Dorg Whiskey pun heran tgk sa out of breath. Hahahahahaha. Ini la ni ibu mengandung ni masih lagi mau naik turun bukit kali bilang tu anjing.

Sudah naik atas rasa mau kencing la ni. Masuk la tandas. Sekali dalam tandas, I saw something. Blood show! On my pantyliner. Bah siapa yg kegelian sila muntah sekarang. LOLOLOLOLOL

Apa sa rasa time tu? Takut? Nervous? Sa rasa.......HAPPY! Sebab that's a sign yang sa mau dekat suda beranak. Finally! Sa takut overdue ba tu tapi mmg Dr. Sutha pun cakap kali ngam2 due date ni ko beranak, so sa confident jg la x overdue but at the same time still worried. Siapa la ba mau kena induce kan. X siok tu kena paksa beranak. Sangat sakit. Bgs lg if mmg automatik tu baby keluar, contractions semua pun automatic.

I called Darryl to let him know about it. Panik ba terus si kawan. Terpaksa dia cancel attend wedding reception kawan baik dia :'( Sa bilang lek ba hubby. Blm sakit pun perut sa. Kita jumpa di rumah dulu. Pastu tgk keadaan. If regular contractions sudah, baru kita jln p RMC sa bilang.

I told my parents about it too and as usual dorg pun dgn relaxnya bagitau lama lagi tu, kali ada beberapa hari lagi baru beranak tu. So sa pun relax la jg sbb sa pn rasa mcm tu.

So, bila sampai rumah......mmm bah...Tuhan ja yg tahu apa perasaan sa..long story short, sa menekankan kpd semua org bahawa bila suda regular contractions (every 5 minutes), baru jalan p RMC..biar la sakit dulu baru jln...

Even from what I've read pun bloody show is a sign that labour is just hours, days or even weeks away bah.

Webmd - The first stage is the longest part of labor and can last up to 20 hours. It begins when your cervix starts to open (dilate) and ends when it is completely open (fully dilated) at 10 centimeters. When the cervix dilates from 0 to 3 or 4 centimeters, contractions get stronger as time progresses. Mild contractions begin at 15 to 20 minutes apart and last 60 to 90 seconds. The contractions become more regular until they are less than 5 minutes apart. This part of labor (called the Latent Phase) is best experienced in the comfort of your home.

When the cervix dilates from 4 to 8 centimeters (called the Active Phase), contractions get stronger and are about 3 minutes apart, lasting about 45 seconds. You may have a backache and increased bleeding from your vagina (called the "bloody show"). Your mood may become more serious as you focus on the hard work of dealing with the contractions. You will also depend more on your support person.

Nah home dia bilang. Homeeeee. Gila la sa mau baring n menunggu di RMC berhari-hari. Punya main boring tu. Sa suka lg jalan2 sana cni. Lagi bagus for the contractions. Ntah2 kalau malam tu sa p ja RMC, kena suru balik rumah lagi kali sebab bru brp cm. Sa ada rasa risau jg takut2 baby lemas dlm perut. But baby masih goyang2 dlm perut, pusing sana sini, tendang kiri kanan and contractions still happening. Tidak la sa risau.

Biarpun this is my 1st pregnancy, I am confident with what I've read from pregnancy books. That is why sa tidak cepat panic and whatsoever. Tu la sa relaxxxxxx ja because I know what's happening with my body.

27 September - Morning p makan Mee Sup Pipin with Darryl, Jasemine, Obey and Nana sebab since Thursday lagi sa titiakan (teringin mau makan). Hohoho. Time makan tu, contractions mcm every 5 minutes ni. Tapi relax ja sa makan. Hahahahahaha.

Balik rumah after breakfast. Contractions? Mcm x suda every 5 minutes ni. Psl sudah makan kali. LOL. So, 1 hari stay di rumah. Boring gila. Hubby patut p Labuan ba tu tapi entah napa hari tu saya mau dia ada di sini. Jadi, terpaksa dia cancel. Huhu. Sorry hubby :'(

Mahu p attend wedding ceremony and reception uncle sa tapi Darryl bilang jgn la. So, x la kami p. Duduk diam2 ja la kami d rumah. Contractions pula getting irregular. From 15-20 minutes, it goes to 30-40 minutes pula. Bingung. Bila berdiri and berjalan di luar rumah baru ada contractions. LOL. Pasal terlampau boring, I decided to rest and sleep in the room. Slept from 4 to 6pm kali tu. Mcm 2 kali ja sa terbangun ada contractions. Apa la ni contractions sa ni. Ingat mau beranak suda. =_=" Woke up, mandi and cakap sama hby yg sa lapar. Minta hby goreng mee.

Lps mkn mee goreng, Darryl jln p training bola baling. Sa pula minta turun di rumah Jasemine. Brought my laptop and online sana. Around 10.30 pm, Darryl singgah saya and balik la kami rumah.

28 September - Hubby ada tournament bola baling di BSA Kolombong. I followed my parents to church. After mass, had breakfast at Mee Sup Atong. Balik rumah. Relax baca newspaper, tengok TV, online, tidur, makan and etc. Malam pula birthday dinner at Hung Xing Seafood Restaurant to celebrate mum's and Steven's birthday which is on 29th and 30th September. Ordered steamed grouper teochew style, broccoli with tauhu, lemon chicken, cornsoup and fried yam ring with pork.

29 September - THE DELIVERY

(,,,,,,to be continued)


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